Getting Homework

Get Homework

To get paginated homework, you can send a GET request to /homework with the following query parameters in the url:



The school to get homework for. Use the unique name of the school. This parameter is required.


The class to get homework for. Use the unique name of the class. This parameter is required.


The page to get. This parameter is required. The first page is 1. The total amount of pages can be found in the response body under the key totalPageCount.


The amount of homework to get per page. This parameter is required.


200 OK

Field Value Description
status string
The status of the request.
Possible Values: success
message string
A short message describing the status
data object
The actual data
homework object[]
An array of homework objects
creator string
The id of the user who created the homework
class string
The id of the class the homework is for
createdAt number
The unix timestamp in ms when the homework was created in milliseconds
from object
The date when the homework is from, this can differ from the date it was created
day number
The day of the month when the homework is from
Max: 31
Min: 1
month number
The month when the homework is from
Max: 12
Min: 1
year number
The year when the homework is from
assignments object[]
An array of assignments
subject string
The subject the assignment is for, e.g. "Math"
description_ string
The task of the assignment, in real this isn't called "description_" but "description" but this is a reserved keyword in our documentation generator
due object
The date when the assignment is due
day number
The day of the month when the assignment is due
Max: 31
Min: 1
month number
The month when the assignment is due
Max: 12
Min: 1
year number
The year when the assignment is due
totalPageCount number
The total amount of pages

It took me quite long to migrate that because I had to write the component for the response body and to send a request. So I will do the rest of this page later once I find the time and motivation to do so. PR are welcome ;)

Get all Homework

Unless you have a specific reason to get all homework, you should probably get paginated homework instead.